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The rest of the world calls the Land of the Rising Sun “Japan,” “Japon” and “Japao.” Japanese fondly and respectfully call this country “Nippon.” This website introduces Nippon to the world ? sophisticated technology and service, Bushido and the value it places on proper conduct, beautiful scenery, an ecological spirit based on the concept of “Mottainai,” ordinary daily life and niche products. We may be physically small and shy, but inside us is the warm-hearted and strict Japanese spirit, “Yamato Damashii.”

Pick Up Video

Contrary to what we might see on TV or in books, these girls have their own everyday lives like you and I, but on the other hand they also experience another extraordinary life due to their strict training. So, I really hope that from today’s program you can understand more about this traditional culture and unique historical background of Japan.

  • Maiko and Geisha are symbols of Kyoto's history and culture

  • Rental Kimonos, YUME KYOTO

  • Kyoto Geisha Miehina Interview

  • Japan,Arima Hot Springs,Hyoe Koyokaku.

  • Experience SAMURAI&NINJA in Japan!!

  • Government registrered Hotel. HOTEL KAZUSAYA is in Nihonbashi in Tokyo.

  • We are Ryokan in Kusatsu Onsen. Ryokan is a Jananese style hotel.

  • We hope the students greatly contribute to the society in their countries after they graduate.

  • We hope the students greatly contribute to the society in their countries after they graduate.

What's News

2013-11-25 Sagano Scenic Railway/Hozu River by a Boat Ver~
You can feel each four seasons has beautiful views while going down to Hozu River by a boat that is really shrilling and fun! Arashiyama would be a really unforgettable trip to make lovely memories. Hope you come to Kyoto Arashiyama when you come to Japan and enjoy your trip!
2011-03-14 The Great Tohoku Earthquake
We would like to express our deepest condolences to all those who suffered in the Tohoku earthquake.We also pray that all will recover soon and wish you the best of lick.


CultureIntroducing various aspects of Japanese culture, from table manners to customs and festivals, as well as Japan’s mysterious side. You will become knowledgeable of all things Japanese.


BusinessIntroducing popular businesses. Find out about the latest technology through to brand-new products. We will help you succeed in Japan.


TouresInformation on places to go throughout Japan, including cities, temples and shrines, and other must-see locations.

Shops & Dining

ShopInformation on all kinds of restaurants from Japanese to French and Italian. Of course, we also introduce shops where you can buy electronics and souvenirs to take home with you.


CommunityAsk any questions you have about Japan. You should get the information you’re looking for.

Online Store

Online StoreIntroducing some great Japanese souvenirs.
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