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Shipment fees| Hello Nippon
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Shipment Fees

Zone 1:East Asia, Guam, Midway Region and Micronesia Region

Weight -1000g 1001g-2kg 2001g-3kg 3001g-4kg 4001g-5kg 5001g-6kg 6001g-7kg 7001g-8kg 8001g-9kg 9001g-10kg
Price(¥) 2050 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 7800 8600 9400 10200

Zone 2:Southeast Asia and Southwest Asia

Weight -1000g 1001g-2kg 2001g-3kg 3001g-4kg 4001g-5kg 5001g-6kg 6001g-7kg 7001g-8kg 8001g-9kg 9001g-10kg
Price(¥) 2700 4000 5400 6800 8200 9600 10700 11800 12900 14000

Zone 3:Oceania, Middle and Near West, North America, Central America, West Indies and Europe

Weight -1000g 1001g-2kg 2001g-3kg 3001g-4kg 4001g-5kg 5001g-6kg 6001g-7kg 7001g-8kg 8001g-9kg 9001g-10kg
Price(¥) 3350 4600 6200 7800 9400 11000 12300 13600 14900 16200

Zone 4: South America and Africa

Weight -1000g 1001g-2kg 2001g-3kg 3001g-4kg 4001g-5kg 5001g-6kg 6001g-7kg 7001g-8kg 8001g-9kg 9001g-10kg
Price(¥) 4600 7000 10000 13000 16000 19000 21100 23200 25300 27400

The following is taken from our Terms and Conditions

Shipment fees differ depending on size, weight and the country to which item(s) are being delivered. A situation may arise in which we are unable to deliver your item(s) due to the local laws/regulations of the destination country.

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